Truly Canonical and the Ubuntu community need to do some work for this in terms of End-User customization, but bottom line is that this works. To change the default color of your mouse cursor, repeat the first three steps described above, then click on the Mouse pointer style tab to expand it. Log out and log back in and you're set.In the Gnome Tweak Tool it look like this: Now install Gnome/Unity Tweak Tool and change the cursor theme within them. If your cursor is within a page, the guide will land on. Within the 'icons' folder you'll see a 'default' folder - open it - and open the 'index.theme' file (in gedit, in-case it doesn't open automatically), and change the theme name to the name of the cursor folder you copied (for example: 'neutral'). Where a guide falls depends on the location of your cursor when you let go of the mouse button.

C) Click/tap on Browse if you would like to change the pointer to use an unblocked.ani or. Alternatively: Control Panel > Ease of Access > Change how your mouse works > Choose a pointer. A) Under Customize, select a pointer you want to change.(see screenshots below) B) Click/tap on Use Default if you want to change the pointer to use the default pointer for it. Next, open a terminal and type sudo nautilus and a Root Nautilus will launch. Go to Start > Settings > Accessibility > Mouse pointer and touch to adjust the size and color.Sources, and untar it in the folder you downloaded. Download your favorite cursor theme from Gnome Look or other.